Intuitive Writing vs. Outlining

Welcome back, Loyal Listeners! This week we’re joined by literary agent and author Dave Fessenden to talk about the pros and cons of outlining and intuitive writing. Be sure to subscribe and leave a comment for us!

Avoiding Info Dumps

Welcome back, loyal listeners. This week, we take a look at “info dumps” and how to avoid them. We’d love to hear your comments. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and on iTunes. And, if you get a minute or two, writing up a quick review would be...

Writing Romance Without Writing a Romance

Welcome back loyal listeners! This week we talk about writing romance without writing a romance. Here is how to add romance into your novel, regardless of the genre. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, YouTube, or any of your favorite podcast programs.

Identifying Your Audience

Welcome back, loyal listeners! We had some trouble with Google Hangouts this week, so the audio and video are a little rough to begin with, but we eventually hit our stride. Be sure to stick with it to get the good info you’re used to getting from our casts. Thanks...