Character Creation Process

Welcome back to Firsts in Fiction, loyal listeners! This week, while Aaron is on vacation with his family, Steve and Heather follow up our talk on Character Psychology from last week with a broader look at Character as a whole, specifically how to create characters...

Character Psychology 101

Welcome back to Firsts in Fiction, loyal listeners! This week, while Steve and Heather are with their families on vacations, Aaron is joined by novelist Alton Gansky and Maya Goode. Maya Goode has an undergrad degree in psychology, and the three talk tips and tricks...

Penning the Perfect Title

Welcome back to Firsts in Fiction, loyal listeners! Steve and Aaron take this week to look at penning the perfect title. Check out the YouTube video below. Find Steve and Heather and Aaron on Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, and Stitcher. A simple Google search on how to...

Roundtable Discussion–Live from BRMCWC

Welcome back to Firsts in Fiction, loyal listeners! Got something different for you this week. Aaron was in North Carolina speaking at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. He gathered up some of the fine faculty and a particularly insightful and...