Self-Made Writing Rules

We’ve heard all the writing rules, but that’s not enough for us. Writers like to make their own list of rules they follow, but they’re not always beneficial. Here’s how to tell the difference between rules that help or hurt our prose.

The Power of the Prompt

This week, we take a look at writing prompts and how to unleash their full power. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, or your favorite podcast subscription app.

Goal Setting for Writers

Welcome back, loyal listeners, and happy new year! Like most Americans, we like to set goals for ourselves around this time. But there’s a good way to set goals, and a bad way. Find out how to set and achieve your goals in this episode. As always, you may watch below,...

How to Work with an Editor

Welcome back, loyal listeners! This week, Al and Aaron are joined by editor Bethany Kaczmarek to talk about how best to navigate the waters of the author-editor relationship. As always, you can still listen on Stitcher and iTunes.

Write What You Fear

Welcome back, loyal listeners! This week, Aaron is joined by Heather to talk, among other things, writing through our fears. We hope you enjoy. Again, we’d love to hear your thoughts on our new format. Love it? Hate it? Let us know. Links referenced in this week's...